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Motorola Solutions Android 11 Ver 1, Rel 3 Checklist Details (Checklist Revisions)

Supporting Resources:


Target CPE Name
Google Android 11.0 cpe:/o:google:android:11.0 (View CVEs)

Checklist Highlights

Checklist Name:
Motorola Solutions Android 11
Checklist ID:
Ver 1, Rel 3
Review Status:
Governmental Authority: Defense Information Systems Agency
Original Publication Date:

Checklist Summary:

The Motorola Solutions Android 11 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) provides the technical security policies, requirements, and implementation details for applying security concepts to Motorola Solutions (MSI) LEX L11 handheld devices running Android 11 that process, store, or transmit unclassified data marked as “Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)” or below. This STIG leverages the Google Android 11 STIG. All requirements in this STIG are based on the Google Android 11 STIG with several Motorola Solutions-specific changes. The scope of this STIG covers the Corporate Owned Business Only (COBO)1 use case. The Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE), Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and Choose Your Own Device (CYOD)2 use cases are not in scope for this STIG. Note: This STIG requires that a NIAP-approved version of Android 11 be installed on DoD-owned MSI LEX L11 Android phones. See the STIG Requirement MOTS-11-010800 for more information. Note: If the Authorizing Official (AO) has approved the use/storage of DoD data in one or more personal (unmanaged) apps, allowing unrestricted activity by the user in downloading and installing personal (unmanaged) apps on the MSI LEX L11 device may not be warranted due to the risk of possible loss of or unauthorized access to DoD data. This STIG assumes that if a DoD Wi-Fi network allows an MSI LEX L11 device to connect to the network, the Wi-Fi network complies with the Network Infrastructure STIG; for example, wireless access points and bridges must not be connected directly to the enclave network.

Checklist Role:

  • Operating System

Known Issues:

Not provided.

Target Audience:

Parties within the DoD and Federal Government’s computing environments can obtain the applicable STIG from the DoD Cyber Exchange website at https://cyber.mil/. This site contains the latest copies of STIGs, SRGs, and other related security information. Those without a Common Access Card (CAC) that has DoD Certificates can obtain the STIG from https://public.cyber.mil/.

Target Operational Environment:

  • Managed
  • Specialized Security-Limited Functionality (SSLF)

Testing Information:

Not provided.

Regulatory Compliance:

DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8500.01


Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via email to the following address: disa.stig_spt@mail.mil. DISA will coordinate all change requests with the relevant DoD organizations before inclusion in this document. Approved changes will be made in accordance with the DISA maintenance release schedule.


Not provided.

Product Support:

Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via email to the following address: disa.stig_spt@mail.mil. DISA will coordinate all change requests with the relevant DoD organizations before inclusion in this document. Approved changes will be made in accordance with the DISA maintenance release schedule.

Point of Contact:



Not provided.


Not provided.

Change History:

Change to FINAL - 4/12/22
corrected checklist status error - 4/18/2022
updated URLs - 9/12/2022
Updated Resources and Status - 08/15/2024


URL Description


Reference URL Description

NIST checklist record last modified on 08/20/2024