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z/OS RACF STIG Y25M01 Checklist Details (Checklist Revisions)

Supporting Resources:


Target CPE Name
IBM z/OS cpe:/o:ibm:z%2fos:- (View CVEs)

Checklist Highlights

Checklist Name:
Checklist ID:
Review Status:
Governmental Authority: Defense Information Systems Agency
Original Publication Date:

Checklist Summary:

This SRR Review Procedures, OS/390 Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) document provides the procedures for conducting a Security Readiness Review (SRR) to determine compliance with the requirements in the OS/390 Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG). This checklist must be used together with the corresponding version of the STIG document. This SRR guide focuses strictly on the IBM OS/390 operating system (OS) and how the RACF security component interacts with the operating system. Additionally, this checklist ensures the site has properly installed and implemented the RACF component for the IBM OS/390 OS and that it is being managed in a way that is secure, efficient, and effective, through procedures outlined in the checklist. The items reviewed are based on standards and requirements published by DISA in the OS/390 Security Technical Implementation Guide.

Checklist Role:

  • Mainframe Operating System

Known Issues:

Not provided.

Target Audience:

Developed for the DOD. This checklist has been created for IT professionals, particularly operating system administrators with a background in the IBM OS/390 OS, as well as information security personnel. The document assumes that the reader has experience installing and administering the IBM OS/390-based systems in domain or standalone configurations.

Target Operational Environment:

  • Managed
  • Specialized Security-Limited Functionality (SSLF)

Testing Information:

Not provided.

Regulatory Compliance:

DOD Directive 8500.


Please refer to the Checklist or the README.txt files provided with the scripts for any comments, warnings, or detailed instructions.


Not provided.

Product Support:

It should be noted that FSO Support for the STIGs, Checklists, and Tools is only available to DOD Customers.

Point of Contact:



Not provided.


Not provided.

Change History:

Version 6, Release 16 - 23 July 2013
Version 6, Release 15 - 26 April 2013
Version 6, Release 14 - 25 January 2013
Version 6, Release 13 - 26 October 2012
Version 6, Release 12 - 27 July 2012
Version 6, Release 11 - 27 April 2012
Version 6, Release 10 - 23 January 2012
Version 6, Release 9 - 28 October 2011
Version 6, Release 8 - 28 July 2011
Version 6, Release 7 - 29 April 2011
Version 6, Release 6 - 28 January 2011
Version 6, Release 5 - 29 October 2010
Version 6, Release 4 - 27 August 2010
Version 6, Release 3 - 23 April 2010
Version 6, Release 8 - 28 July 2011
1/26/2012- updated target audience section to read "developed for the DoD" vs. "Developped for the DoD"
Version 6, Release 21 - 04 November 2014
Added point of contact
Changed Status from "Under Review" to "Final" - 18 February 2015
Version 6, Release 25 - 30 October 2015
Changed status from "Under Review" to "Final" - 29 December 2015


URL Description
http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/Documents/zos_stig_v6r1.1memo080609.pdf zOS STIG - Version 6, Release 1.1 Memo.


Reference URL Description

NIST checklist record last modified on 12/31/2015