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LG Android 5.0 ISCG Version 1, Release 2 Checklist Details (Checklist Revisions)

Supporting Resources:


Target CPE Name
LG Android 5.0 cpe:/a:lg:android:5.0 (View CVEs)

Checklist Highlights

Checklist Name:
LG Android 5.0 ISCG
Checklist ID:
Version 1, Release 2
Review Status:
Under Review
Governmental Authority: Defense Information Systems Agency
Original Publication Date:

Checklist Summary:

The LG Android 5.x Interim Security Configuration Guide (ISCG) provides the technical security policies, requirements, and implementation details for applying security concepts to LG Android 5.x devices. The following devices currently support the LG Android 5.x Platform: ยท G3 Under the authority of DoD Directive 8500.01, DISA is releasing an interim security guide for the LG G3 smartphone with the caveat that a container application must be used to provide data separation between personal data and DoD data. Component Authorizing Officials (AO) should be aware that the use of a container application adds additional risk when compared to a mobile device that provides data separation integrated into the operating system and be prepared to accept this risk prior to deploying the LG G3 device.

Checklist Role:

  • Operating System

Known Issues:

Not Provided

Target Audience:

Not Provided

Target Operational Environment:

  • Managed
  • Specialized Security-Limited Functionality (SSLF)

Testing Information:

Not Provided

Regulatory Compliance:

DoDI 8500.01


Not Provided


Not Provided

Product Support:

Not Provided

Point of Contact:



Not Provided


Not Provided

Change History:



URL Description
http://iasecontent.disa.mil/stigs/pdf/U_LG_Android_5-0_ISCG_V1_Release_Memo.pdf LG Android 5.0 ISCG Version 1 Release Memo


Reference URL Description

NIST checklist record last modified on 07/27/2015

* This checklist is still undergoing review for inclusion into the NCP.