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Network Policy Version 8, Release 17 Checklist Details (Checklist Revisions)

Supporting Resources:


Target CPE Name
Cisco PIX ASA cpe:/h:cisco:pix_asa (View CVEs)
Foundry Networks BigIron Router cpe:/h:foundrynet:bigiron_router (View CVEs)
Juniper Router M10 cpe:/h:juniper:router_m10 (View CVEs)
Juniper Router M16 cpe:/h:juniper:router_m16 (View CVEs)
Juniper Router M20 cpe:/h:juniper:router_m20 (View CVEs)
Juniper Router M40 cpe:/h:juniper:router_m40 (View CVEs)
Juniper Router M5 cpe:/h:juniper:router_m5 (View CVEs)

Checklist Highlights

Checklist Name:
Network Policy
Checklist ID:
Version 8, Release 17
Review Status:
Governmental Authority: Defense Information Systems Agency
Original Publication Date:

Checklist Summary:

A core mission for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Field Security Operations (FSO) is to aid in securing Department of Defense (DoD) Networks. The processes and procedures outlined in this Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG), when applied, will decrease the vulnerability of DoD sensitive information. Network Security is clearly still one of the biggest concerns for our DoD customers (i.e., the warfighter). The intent of the Network Infrastructure STIG is to include security considerations at the network level needed to provide an acceptable level of risk for information as it is transmitted throughout an enclave. This STIG has been developed to enhance the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive DoD Automated Information Systems (AIS). Each site network/communications infrastructure must provide secure, available, and reliable data for all customers. This document is designed to supplement the security guidance provided by DoD-specific requirements. This document will assist sites in meeting the minimum requirements, standards, controls, and options that must be in place for secure network operations.

Checklist Role:

  • Router
  • Border and Gateway Router

Known Issues:

Not provided.

Target Audience:

These requirements are designed to assist Security Managers (SMs), Information Assurance Managers (IAMs), IAOs, Network Security Officers (NSOs), and System Administrators (SAs) with configuring and maintaining security controls. This guidance supports DoD system design, development, implementation, certification, and accreditation efforts.

Target Operational Environment:

  • Managed
  • Specialized Security-Limited Functionality (SSLF)

Testing Information:

Not provided.

Regulatory Compliance:

DoD Directive 8500.1 and DoD Directive 8500.2


Comments or proposed revisions to this document should be sent via e-mail to fso_spt@disa.mil. DISA FSO will coordinate all change requests with the relevant DoD organizations before inclusion in this document.


Not provided.

Product Support:

Not provided.

Point of Contact:



Not provided.


Not provided.

Change History:

Version 8, Release 17 - 25 April 2014
Version 8, Release 16 - 25 October 2013
Version 8, Release 15 - 26 July 2013
Version 8, Release 14 - 26 April 2013
Version 8, Release 13 - 25 January 2013
Version 8, Release 11 - 27 July 2012
Version 8, Release 10 - 27 April 2012
Updated URL to reflect change to the DISA website - http --> https
updated reference links - 7/11/2018
corrected reference link - 11/21/2018
revised reference link- 2/19/2019
updated reference link - 4/10/19
moved to archive status - 4/15/19


URL Description
http://www.cisco.com Cisco
http://www.internic.net Network Information Center (NIC)
https://global.ihs.com Global Engineering Documents
https://www.broadcom.com/ Broadcom Inc.
https://www.juniper.net/us/en/ Juniper
https://www.sei.cmu.edu/about/divisions/cert/index.cfm JTF-GNO Net Defense home page


Reference URL Description

NIST checklist record last modified on 04/15/2019